Saturday, May 31, 2008

What can I do ?

I have been worrying lately, a little too much i must say about the world, earth, and life for my kids, about a decade or two from now. I do, get a little carried away with these thoughts. and as a result, go to extremes, in my reaction.

While, i might be paranoid, i think there is a real reason to be worried. But that should only goad us to think and act better. There are several things we can do now, to avoid the course the globe is taking today. The answer is clearly in our hands.

Well what can we do? Well !!

Can I change a light bulb ? Can I close a running tap? Can I get on a bus or train ? Can I turn off the TV if 'am on the computer ? Can I turn off the computer if 'am watching TV? Can i eat all that is served on my plate (not waste anything)? Can I turn of the A/C or Heater and enjoy the climate as it is, atleast once in a while ?

If we can do any of these or a hundred other small things, we can help. we can also help by talking about this and letting our friends and family understand these many options. I do some of these. I try to add one more criteria everytime, i stop and think about this.

Just hoping it works.

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